Tuesday, April 19, 2011



Normalization is the process of efficiently organizing data in a database.
"Normalization" refers to the process of creating an efficient, reliable, flexible, and appropriate "relational" structure for storing information.


  1. Eliminating redundant data.
  2. Ensuring data dependencies make sense. (only storing related data in a table).


  1. Cures the ‘SpreadSheet Syndrome’.
  2. Store only the minimal amount of information.
  3. Remove redundancies.
  4. Restructure Data.
  5. Decreased storage requirements.
  6. Faster search performance.
  7. Improved data integrity.


A series of logical steps to take to normalize data tables.
  1. First Normal Form (1NF)
  2. Second Normal Form (2NF)
  3. Third Normal Form (3NF)
  4. Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF)
  5. Fourth Normal Form (4NF)
  6. Fifth Normal Form (5NF)
& many more(not in use).

First Normal Form

A table is considered to be in 1NF if all the fields contain only scalar values . i.e; All columns (fields) must be atomic : no repeating items in columns.
Here, Ord no & date are non-atomic attributes,(Not in 1 NF).
Non-atomic attributes are eliminited by filling with atomic values where there are non-atomic values are present.

First Normal Form Decomposition

  1. Place all items that appear in the repeating group in a new table.
  2. Each row must be unique - Designate a primary key for each new table produced.
  3. Duplicate in the new table the primary key of the table from which the repeating group was extracted or vice versa.
Before learning about ,You must be aware of Functional dependencies

Functional Dependencies:

If one set of attributes in a table determines another set of attributes in the table, then the second set of attributes is said to be functionally dependent on the first set of attributes.
Ex: Table Scheme: {ISBN, Title, Price}
Functional Dependencies: {ISBN}  {Title}
{ISBN}  {Price}

Second Normal Form

For a table to be in 2NF, there are two requirements
  1. If a data item is fully functionally dependent on only a part of the primary key, move that data item and that part of the primary key to a new table.
  2. If a data item is fully functionally dependent on only a part of the primary key, move that data item and that part of the primary key to a new table.
  3. If other data items are functionally dependent on the same part of the key, place them in the new table also.
Let us consider the above table
Let x={ ord no.,prod no.} -> y={date}, {prod name}, {Qty}, {U. price}.

Therexists, z ={ord no.} c x -> {date}

Therexists, z ={prod no.} c x -> {prod name}

This suffers from functional dependencies.
  1. To convert this relation into 2 NF, we must eliminate the partial functional dependencies by decomposing the relation into several no. of relations.
  2. We must create a separate relations for the attributes which causes the partial functional dependencies.

Third Normal Form

A relation R is in third normal form (3NF) if and only if it is in 2NF and every non-key attribute is non-transitively dependent on the primary key. An attribute C is transitively dependent on attribute A if there exists an attribute B such that: A ® B and B ® C.
Steps to convert 2 NF into 3 NF : we have unitCode as our primary key, we also have a courseName that is dependent on courseCode and courseCode, dependent on unitCode. Though couseName could be dependent on unitCode it more dependent on courseCode, therefore it is transitively dependent on unitCode.

BCNF (Boyce - Codd Normal Form)

A relation schema R is in BCNF if for every set of attributes
X in R and attribute A in R, X is a superkey whenever X A.
--- no attribute is transitively dependent on a key

R1=(Prof, S#) K1=(Prof S#)

R2=(Prof, C#) K2=(Prof)

--- R1 and R2 are both in BCNF

Fourth Normal Form

To be in Fourth Normal Form, a relation must first be in Boyce-Codd Normal Form. Additionally, a given relation may not contain more than one multivalued dependency.

Fifth Normal Form

A table is in fifth normal form (5NF) or Project-Join Normal Form (PJNF) if it is in 4NF and it cannot have a lossless decomposition into any number of smaller tables.


The relation is in DKNF when there can be no insertion or deletion anomalies in the database.

Friday, April 8, 2011

QR Codes


The QR code [ QUICK RESPONSE CODE ]was a kind of two dimensional symbology, and the DENSO WAVE (a division of Denso Corporation, Japan at the time) and released in 1994 with the primary aim of being a symbol that is easily interpreted by scanner equipment.

QR Code (2D Code) contains information in both the vertical and horizontal directions, whereas a bar code contains data in one direction only. QR code can carry up to several hundred times the amount of data carried by an ordinary bar codes.(QR Code holds a considerably greater volume of information than a bar code.)

QR Codes features

1.High capacity Encoding of Data - While conventional bar codes are capable of storing a maximum of approximately 20 digits, QR Code is capable of handling several dozen to several hundred times more information.

QR Code is capable of handling all types of data, such as numeric and alphabetic characters, Kanji, Kana, Hiragana, symbols, binary, and control codes. Up to 7,089 characters can be encoded in one symbol.

QR Code Data Capacity :

Numeric -only Max. 7,089 characters

Alphanumeric- Max. 4,296 characters

Binary -(8 bits) Max. 2,953 bytes

Kanji- full-width

Kana -Max. 1,817 characters

2.Small Printout Size - QR Code is capable of encoding the same amount of data in approximately one-tenth the space of a traditional bar code. (For a smaller printout size, Micro QR Code is available.

3.Kanji and Kana Capability - As a symbology developed in Japan, QR Code is capable of encoding JIS Level 1 and Level 2 kanji character set.
In case of Japanese, one full-width Kana or Kanji character is efficiently encoded in 13 bits, allowing QR Code to hold more than 20% data than other 2D symbologies.

4.Dirt and Damage Resistant- QR Code has error correction capability. Data can be restored even if the symbol is partially dirty or damaged.

5.Readable from any direction in 360°- QR Code is capable of 360 degree (omni-directional), high speed reading. QR Code accomplishes this task through position detection patterns located at the three corners of the symbol. These position detection patterns guarantee stable high-speed reading, circumventing the negative effects of background interference.

6.Structured Append Feature –QR Code can be divided into multiple data areas. One data symbol can be divided into up to 16 symbols, allowing printing in a narrow area.

Where are QR codes being used?

QR codes can be used in our business in a number of ways.QR codes are being used on product packaging, magazine articles and ads, ads on buses, museum exhibits, and business cards:

  • Product details
  • Contact details
  • Offer details
  • Event details
  • Competition details
  • A coupon
  • Twitter, Facebook, MySpace IDs
  • A link to your YouTube video

QR Codes are beginning to catch on here in the United States.

How will Google see them?

If you add QR codes to your website, the search engines will see that your pages have changed, and that you are updating pages. The search engine will see a new image and index it accordingly. At some point soon, the search engines will likely recognize QR codes and possibly index the content in them.

Customized QR Codes

Directly from the dashboard page of Google Places account, businesses can download a QR code that is unique to their business. Customers with smart phones can scan Google Customized QR code and see the mobile version of the place page.

QR (vs) SEO & SEM :

QR Codes are a very cool tool to use in Search Marketing

The use of QR codes becomes a bit more ubiquitous, the SEO and SEM implications for using them are going to be up in the air. The game-changing reality of the mobile internet is going to have a radical impact on how sites make money in the future, and QR codes may very well be the bridge between print and digital that keeps your brand in the viewer’s mind.

This also creates one incoming link, to any URL of your choice, including your Ecommerce, main website, or whatever URL you want to use. Which would help you out in regards to SEO to your website …

While SEO implications and practices are not completely ironed out, there are many benefits. As QR Codes are backlinks, the benefits at the very less.
But, it seems Google will start recognizing and caching QR Codes and separate directories for these types of links will begin cropping up.

QR codes will begin to provide a link between SEO and the older forms of marketing like newspaper ads, billboards, posters, etc. Suddenly, these seemingly antiquated forms of marketing can be used to drive traffic to your website. And better yet, that traffic will be trackable.

Thus, as the number of smart-phone users, and the number QR Codes continues to grow, so does their importance for SEO. Who knows, in the near future, an SEO Company might have to include QR Optimized Business Cards, Newspaper Ads and Billboards in their proposals.

The potential benefit of these QR codes is clear but what is also clear it that any successful company needs an SEO expert as a partner and resource to navigate the rapidly changing landscape of online and digital marketing and the rapid adoption of new technologies.

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